
Sellers: Preparing to Move - Real Estate Blog

 Moving can be a daunting task but getting prepared early can help alleviate the stress.  I am speaking from experience as I used to move every 1-2 years until I landed on Kauai.

  Here are some hints and tips for Preparing to Move:

*Clear Your Clutter: Start early and get your belongings under control. If you don’t use it or wear it, then get rid of it.  I find it is easiest to do one room at a time and make sections or piles for “keep”, “sell”, “donate” “trash” and “pack now”.  Somehow the criteria for keeping changes as you get further into the cleaning out process and you can often circle back a couple days or a week later and be willing to donate or trash more belongings. I learned a long time ago that a thing is not the memory or the event, so if you aren’t attached to the “thing”, keep the memory and let it go!

*Get Things Organized: If you are organized when you pack it will be easier to unpack. Try to group things together by room or function. Make sure to set aside a box or two of the essentials that you will need to unpack when you first arrive at the new place.  I try to have a box of bedding and pillows so everyone can sleep the first night as well as a frying pan and big pot in case I need to make a meal (though take-out food works perfectly as well). I also keep a box handy with tools (hammer, screw driver, allen wrench) and electronic wires as those things become essential when both moving out and moving in.

*Purchase or Pick Up Packing Supplies: For me, the essentials are: boxes, packing tape, packing tape, packing tape dispenser (usually $20.00 or less and the best money you will spend, much easier than scissors or teeth for handling the tape), 2-4 thick sharpies, bubble wrap, packing paper, and labels. I also like to keep large black trash bags on hand ~ they’re great for trash, wrapping things that may leak, and packing up donations. There are great places to get free boxes ~ furniture stores, liquor stores, big box stores, but you can’t always count on the condition or size.  If using freebies, start collecting them long before packing day.  You can also collect newspapers instead of investing in packing paper and bubble wrap.

*Set aside what you will need: There are things you will need with you until the last minute and will also need first thing when you arrive in your new home (comfortable cloths, pajamas, toiletries). I find packing like I am going on week-long vacation usually does the trick and ensures you have the essentials.

*Plan How You Will Organize your Packing: I like to pack by room putting items in boxes based on where they go so I can easily unpack when I arrive. For the most part, that works pretty well. Though sometimes it is easier to pack items by category, all sheets in one box, towels in another, etc. I love to use my linens and towels as packing materials, like wrapping your DVR in a towel then putting it in a box ~ a bit of a money saver but can create extra laundry when you arrive at your destination.

*Tips for Easy Packing: Once you have your boxes ready to fill, decide what you are putting in it, gather the materials you will need (tape, sharpies, bubble wrap or paper) and start packing.  Finish each box before you move on for the greatest success.

*Label All of Your Boxes: This step is imperative if you want to be able to unpack with ease.  I mark every box with the room the items belong in so when I arrive at my destination, I can distribute the boxes with ease.  I also put a general list of contents on the outside in case I need to find something quickly in my new home (linens, toys, etc.). Make large up arrows for boxes that need to stay upright, mark boxes that are particularly heavy, and note fragile on the exterior top and sides for your glassware and other fragile items.

*When to Pack: There are things you use all the time and things you rarely use. Since everything must be packed to go, you can start packing long before your moving date. Pack up items you rarely use and clothes that are out of season. Set those boxes aside and out of the way. Again, make sure you label everything in case you need to retrieve something before you actually move.

*Plan for Pets (if applicable): Pets are delightful but generally not helpful when you are packing. See if you can get a pet sitter or pick a nice day for your pet to be outside. Additionally, don’t forget to plan how the pets will be travelling to your new home.

*Prep your kids (if applicable): Kids will see a move as an adventure or a nightmare, depending on how you present it to them.  Try to come up with a fun game or story to make the move easy for them.

Sell Some Things: Plan a Yard Sale or have a Virtual one on Facebook or Craigslist. This is a great way to get someone else to haul away usable items that you don’t want any more and cash in at the same time.  Plan it at least a week or two (if not more) before your move.  Make sure to have a plan for what to do with items that don’t sell. I like to have a truck on hand and pack everything up to donate right away.

*Arrange for movers or how to move (truck, friends, professionals): Start making plans and getting estimates right away.

*Schedule your Move: Schedule your move as soon as you have a closing date or moving date in mind. It’s easier to cancel or change plans than it is to schedule at the last minute. Don’t forget to purchase plane tickets (if needed), schedule child care, and any other services you need on moving day.

*Change of Address & Mail Forwarding: Make sure to fill out a change of Address Form and set up mail forwarding. Change your address on any bills you can in advance and the rest you can manage from your new home.

*Utilities: Schedule the cancellation or transfer of your utilities to the new buyers and set up utilities for your new home as well.

*Moving Day: Moving day will be much easier if you wear comfortable clothes, have a cooler full of drinks and have snacks. Keep your phone handy and push through. It’s never the easiest day, but it becomes a faint memory once you are settled into the new place.

Most of all enjoy! Moving can be incredibly stressful but also a fun adventure. Focus on the positive and it will be a breeze!


Thinking of Buying or Selling? Contact Jamie for more tips and tricks to get started! Click here to email.


Kauai, Hawaii Island Information and Fun Facts

  Getting to know the Island of Kauai…  

  Kauai is known as the "The Garden Isle". The island is the smallest, oldest and northernmost of the four major islandsThe island is approximately 25 miles wide and 33 miles long encompassing 552 sq. miles.

  Much of the island is tranquil, green, lush. As with most of the islands, Kauai also offers numerous climates from the arid west side to the tropical north shores.

  Kauai is known for its magnificent scenery and lush vegetation, beautiful waterfalls, the spectacular Waimea Canyon, the great "hidden" valley of Kalalau, colorful tropical plants and flowers.

  It has been said that the island boasts more beach per mile than any of the other major islands. And oh what amazing beaches they are! www.Facebook.com/KauaiBeaches You can almost drive down any Makai side road and land at sand (or a path to the sand).

  The highest peak on the island is Kawaikini at 5,243 feet and the second highest, Mount Waialeake at 1,569 sq ft is known as one of the wettest spots on earth! This creates the most amazing waterfalls!

  This treasured island is also the backdrop for television shows like Fantasy Island, & Gilligan’s Island plus numerous Hollywood films like Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park, The Descendants, Honeymoon in Vegas, and oldies but goodies like South Pacific and the Thorn Birds. http://filmkauai.com/movies-made-on-kauai/

  Kauai is by far my favorite island in the Hawaiian chain.

  Ready to buy real estate on Kauai? Start looking at Kauai Real Estate at www.SearchKauaiProperty.com



Kauai Real Estate Stats Oct 2017

  October 2017 stats for the Kauai Real Estate Market are in!

  Median Sales prices are all up! For homes, condos, and land

   New Active Listings are down from last year.

  Volume is up for all three property types as well.

  With a low number of listings, it is a great time to sell!

  Thinking of buying or selling? Contact Jamie today! Click here to email.

   Information provided as a courtesy by Old Republic